Articulate Localization: New Features Available in Updated Rise 360 Version

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The early-access version of Articulate Localization has empowered customers to get started localizing courses faster and sooner. It has also allowed us to develop an overall localization workflow by seeing how customers use the product and then responding to their needs.

In Rise 360, the language versions in our early-access workflow weren’t aware of each other even though they appeared as a single stack tile. That structure and process blocked highly requested features such as multi-language authoring, single-package publishing, and translating course updates.

We're excited to share that an updated Rise 360 version of Localization will soon make these and other features a reality. Read on to learn more about the changes and find out how to convert your courses to the updated version for no additional charge.

screenshot of the updated authoring experience with the language dropdown expanded

Understand the Changes

The table below outlines the similarities and differences between the early-access version and the new multi-language authoring experience. Find more details on some of the features after the table.


Updated Version

Early Access Version

Single-package publishing for LMS and web

Available in the updated version

Course updates

Available in the updated version

Multi-language authoring

Available in the updated version

Language-specific course themes and lesson structure

Available in the early access version

Language-specific media assets

Available in the updated versionAvailable in the early access version

Publishing to Reach 360 as a single training

Available in the updated versionAvailable in the early access version

Course stack management

Available in the updated versionAvailable in the early access version

One-click translation

Available in the updated versionAvailable in the early access version

Single-package publishing for LMS and web

The updated version lets you publish multi-language Rise 360 courses as a single package. That means you only have to upload one zip file to your LMS or one set of published files to your web server, saving you time and storage space. Learners will also be able to select their preferred language from within the course.

Course Updates

The new version streamlines the process of updating previously translated courses by translating and validating only new course content.

Multi-language authoring

All languages share the same course theme and structure in the updated version. If you add, move, or delete a block or lesson in one language, those changes will apply to all other languages in the course. You can also seamlessly switch between languages when previewing the same lesson in the course stack and while authoring. 

Language-specific course themes and lesson structure

The early-access version required separate copies of the original course for each language, which also allowed different course themes and structures to be set for each language. It’s also why the preview restarted every time you switched to a different language in the course stack and why you needed to go back to the stack when editing between languages. The updated version removes the option for language-specific course themes but also avoids the hassle of restarts.

Language-specific media assets

In the updated version, audio and video assets are the same across all languages after translation. Any change you make to the media asset in the source language—such as modifying the alt text or image alignment—is applied to all target languages. If you need to maintain language-specific media, you can modify that media asset in the target language. This disconnects the asset from the source language, so any changes done to the source won’t be applied moving forward. 

In the early-access version, updating media assets in one language did not affect other languages.

Convert Early-Access Versions to the Updated Version

Once the new version becomes available for your subscription, all existing multi-language courses and microlearning content will display an “Early Access” label. 

screenshots of an early access Rise course

You can convert courses created in the early-access version to the updated version by following the steps below:

  1. Launch the early access version from your dashboard.
  2. Click the ellipses (...) beside the source language from the stack overview, and choose Save as. Give the copy a name and click Save. The copy is saved in the same folder as the multi-language project.
  3. Retranslate the course by hovering over the course tile in the dashboard and clicking the ellipsis that appears. Then, select Translate and select all the previously translated languages. (There is no additional charge when you translate early-access courses again to convert them to the updated version.)
  4. Replace language-specific images, media, or attachments, if applicable.

If needed, you can manually copy previous validation suggestions from Review 360. Here’s how:

  1. Launch the validation link to the target language course in Review 360 from the early-access version.
  2. Click the filter icon beside the course overview navigation dropdown and select Imported edits only. See this guide to learn more about the filter options.
  3. Read through each segment and, if appropriate, copy and paste the text into the corresponding language in the single-course version.