Reach 360: Favorites API

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What This API Endpoint Does

With the Favorites API you can retrieve a list of courses and learning paths a user has saved to their Favorites list.


  • GET /users/{userId}/favorites - list courses and learning paths in a user's Favorites

List a User's Favorites

GET /users/{userId}/favorites

Request Parameters (Query String)

  • limit (integer, optional) - the maximum number of results to return in a single response (see Pagination); must be between 1 and 100 (defaults to 50)

Example Response

 "userUrl": "",
 "favorites": [ 
    "completedAt": "2020-11-15T19:19:19.019Z", 
    "courseId": "example-course-id", 
    "courseUrl": "", 
    "coverImageUrl": "", 
    "estimatedTimeToCompleteMs": "360000", 
    "estimatedTimeToCompleteMs": "360000", 
    "hasCertificateDownload": true, 
    "learnUrl": "",
    "learningPathId": null, 
    "learningPathUrl": null, 
    "numberOfCourses": null, 
    "numberOfLessons": 5, 
    "progressPercent": 40, 
    "quizScorePercent": null, 
    "title: "Example Course Title", 
    "type": "course", 
    "contentType": "RISE" 
    "completedAt": "2020-11-17T19:19:19.019Z", 
    "courseId": null, 
    "courseUrl": null, 
    "coverImageUrl": "", 
    "estimatedTimeToCompleteMs": "3600000", 
    "hasCertificateDownload": false, 
    "learnUrl": "",
    "learningPathId": "example-learning-path-id", 
    "learningPathUrl": "/learning-paths/example-learning-path-id", 
    "numberOfCourses": 1, 
    "numberOfLessons": null, 
    "progressPercent": 100, 
    "quizScorePercent": 85, 
    "title": "Example Learning Path Title", 
    "type": "learning-path", 
    "contentType": "null"
   }, ... 
 "nextUrl": "https://url-for-next-page-of-results" 

Endpoint-specific error codes:

  • user_not_found - can't list user's favorites because the user does not exist