Reach 360: Users API

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What This API Endpoint Does

With the Users API you can get a list of all users in your Reach 360 account as well as the details of a single user. You can also delete users from training. 


  • GET /users - list users
  • GET /users/{userId} - get details of a user by user id
  • DELETE /users/{userId} - delete user by user id 

User Object

  • id (string) - the unique identifier of the user
  • email (string) - the user's email address
  • groupsUrl (string) - URL to list user's groups from the API
  • role (string) - the user's role (one of learner, author, reporter, or admin)
  • firstName (string) - the user's first name
  • lastName (string) - the user's last name
  • lastActiveAt (string) - the date and time of the user's last activity in rise
  • learnerReportUrl (string) - URL to fetch the user's learner report from the API
  • favoritesUrl (string) - URL to fetch the user's favorites list from the API
  • url (string) - URL to fetch user's details from the API
  • articulate360User (boolean) - whether or not the user is managed in Articulate 360

Retrieving a List of Users

GET /users

Request Parameters (Query String)

  • limit (integer, optional) - the maximum number of results to return in a single response (see Pagination); must be between 1 and 100 (defaults to 50)
  • email (string, optional) - if provided, only return users with this email address

Example Response

 "users": [ 
    "id": "example-user-id-1", 
    "email": "", 
    "groupsUrl": "", 
    "role": "learner", 
    "firstName": "Example First Name 1", 
    "lastName": "Example Last Name 1", 
    "lastActiveAt": "2021-10-28T20:39:52.659Z",
    "learnerReportUrl": "", 
    "favoritesUrl": "",
    "url": ""
    "articulate360User": false
   }, ... 
 "nextUrl": "https://url-for-next-page-of-results" 

Retrieving Specific User Details

GET /users/{userId}

Example Response

  "id": "example-user-id", 
  "email": "", 
  "groupsUrl": "", 
  "role": "learner", 
  "firstName": "Example First Name", 
  "lastName": "Example Last Name", 
  "lastActiveAt": "2021-10-28T20:39:52.659Z",
  "learnerReportUrl": "", 
  "favoritesUrl": "",
  "url": "" 
  "articulate360User": false

Endpoint-specific Error Codes

  • user_not_found - cannot retrieve user because user does not exist

Deleting Users by ID

DELETE /users/{userId}

  • Only learners who aren’t managed with SSO and who don’t have an Articulate ID can be deleted with API.

Example Success Response

  204 No Content

Example Failure Responses (only learners can be deleted)

  "errors": [
       "message": "You can't delete a user that is managed by 360",
       "code": "validation_failed"

Example Failure Response (SSO users can't be deleted)

  "errors": [
       "message": "No user found",
       "code": "not_found"

Example Failure Response (owners can't be deleted)

  "errors": [
       "message": "You can't delete a user who is the owner",
       "code": "validation_failed"

Example Failure Response (Okta users can't be deleted)

  "errors": [
       "message": "No user found",
       "code": "not_found"