Rise 360: How to Use List Blocks

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Got a bunch of facts you need to check twice? Use a list block! Preformatted lists let you quickly organize and present your information. List blocks can use numbers, bullets, or interactive checkboxes. 

Here’s how they work.

  1. Insert a List Block
  2. Modify the List Block
  3. Switch Between Block Types
  4. Accessibility

Step 1: Insert a List Block

  1. Open a Rise 360 course, then edit an existing lesson or create a new one.
  2. Select All Blocks from the blocks shortcut bar. Or, click the insert block icon (+) that appears when you mouse over a boundary between blocks.
  3. When the sidebar appears, choose the List category in the block library, then select the block you want. 

Step 2: Modify the List Block 

Use the format menu to modify how your content looks on the screen. In addition to adjusting block padding, you can expand or constrain your text with content width and change the spacing between the bullet and text with bullet padding.

Step 3: Switch Between Block Types

Want to see how your list looks in one of the other formats? Hover over an existing list block, then click the block type selector menu that appears to the left of the design toolbar. Select a new format from the menu to instantly transform your existing block.


List blocks are accessible. Conduct testing with keyboard navigation and screen readers to ensure accessibility. For further guidance on creating accessible content, refer to our accessibility design tips below: