Rise 360: Collaborative Authoring vs. Sending a Copy of a Course

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What's the difference between collaborative authoring in Rise 360 and sending a copy of a course to another author? Great question! Here's how the two features compare.

Collaborative Authoring

Send a Copy of a Course

Collaborative authoring is exclusively available to Articulate 360 Teams. Collaborators don't have to be on the same team; they just need to have an Articulate 360 Teams subscription.

Not a teams subscriber? Contact an Articulate 360 Teams specialist to learn more.

All Articulate 360 users can send a copy of a Rise 360 course to other authors. This is helpful when you’re working with individual Articulate 360 subscribers.

Collaborators work on the same course simultaneously.

The sender and the recipients work on independent copies of the course.

Changes appear immediately so collaborators always have the exact same course.

Since each author has a separate copy of the course, no one sees changes made by other authors.

Note: The recipient of a course can edit it and then send a copy back to the original author. However, it won’t get merged into the original course. It’ll be a separate version of the course on the author’s Rise 360 dashboard. If you send courses back and forth in this manner, use a naming scheme to identify different versions of the course.

Generally, if you’re an Articulate 360 Teams subscriber, use collaborative authoring for real-time collaboration on courses. If you’re an individual Articulate 360 subscriber or you’re working with an individual subscriber, use the send-a-copy feature.

Note: Whenever you're sharing content, the recipient must be in your same regional data center.