Storyline 3: HTML5 Gestures for Tablets and Smartphones
Article Last Updated
This article applies to:
Touchscreen gestures are supported in Storyline 3 HTML5 courses on tablets and smartphones. Swipe left and right to move between slides. Pinch or double-tap to zoom in and out. Drag to pan and scroll.
- Gestures are fully supported on tablets and smartphones; however, they won't work reliably on touchscreen laptops or monitors. Use a keyboard and mouse to navigate courses on laptop and desktop computers.
- Swiping between slides is disabled when you restrict or lock navigation for your course. To swipe between slides, use free navigation.
- HTML5 gestures are automatically enabled, so you don’t have to do any extra work. (You can turn off swipe gestures on a slide-by-slide basis if you don’t want learners to swipe between slides.)