Storyline 3: How to Submit Course Completion to an LMS on a Specific Slide

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Here's how you can report course completion to a learning management system (LMS) on a specific slide in a Storyline 3 course. You might use this technique if:

  • Your course doesn't have a quiz.
  • You don't want to track by the number of slides viewed.


This method involves adding one question slide and one result slide to your course at the place where you want completion to be reported to your LMS. These slides can be disguised so they don't look like a quiz.


  1. Add a new blank slide at the place in your course where you want to report completion to your LMS.
  2. Add a button to the slide that asks learners to "Submit results" or "Complete the course" or something similar.
  3. Convert the slide to a freeform pick-one question, then do the following when the question editor opens:
    • Select the button (from step 2 above) as the correct answer for the question.
    • Turn off feedback and scoring.
    • Switch back to Slide View.
  4. Modify the default "Submit interaction" trigger to occur when learners clicks your custom button. (Learn more about triggers.)
  5. Add another trigger to your custom button that jumps to the next slide when clicked. (The next slide will be the result slide that you'll add in step 8 below.)
  6. Remove the built-in Submit button from the slide. Here's how.
  7. Design the rest of the slide with text, images, and other objects as you'd like.
  8. Add a blank result slide after the question slide you just created, and make sure your pick-one question slide is tracked by the result slide.
  9. Design the result slide as a summary slide or another content slide with text, images, and other objects as you'd like.
  10. When you publish, be sure to track the course by this result slide. Course completion will be achieved and communicated to your LMS when learners reach this result slide.