How to Find Your Microsoft Windows Version Details

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Sometimes you need to know which dot release or service pack you have installed for your version of Windows. Or, you may need to know if you have a 32-bit or a 64-bit version. Use the steps below to find out.

If you're not sure which major version of Windows you have, open a Run command window (press Windows Key+R or right-click the Start button and select Run), type winver, and press enter. A small window will appear with your version of Windows—such as 10 or 11—and a few other details.

How To Find Version Details

  1. Go to the Start Menu and click Settings.
  2. When the Settings window opens, click System.
  3. From the tabs on the left side of the window, click About.

Under Device Specifications, you'll see your system type (32-bit or 64-bit).  The Windows Specification section will show you the edition of Windows and your version number (such as 21H1).