Search Filters

Search Filters

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Feb 6, 2024 ... Accessibility Information Button blocks are mostly accessible. Currently, there is no option to customize the size or color of the button text....

Jan 24, 2024 ... See page 8 of our accessibility e-book for tips on writing good alternative text (alt text). Images are marked decorative by default to hide them...

May 15, 2024 ... Accessibility List blocks are accessible. Conduct testing with keyboard navigation and screen readers to ensure accessibility. For further...

Jan 24, 2024 ... SafariGoogle ChromeFirefox Safari Open your Safari browser, then go to Safari on the menu bar and choose Preferences.Click the Advanced tab.Mark the...

May 14, 2024 ... Accessibility Quote blocks are accessible. Conduct testing with keyboard navigation and screen readers to ensure accessibility. For further...

Jan 24, 2024 ... To improve accessibility, we've removed italicized formatting. Block design has been refreshed to take advantage of recent formatting updates. 

Apr 8, 2024 ... Accessibility Information Flashcard blocks are accessible. If you use media, ensure images have alternative text (alt text) and videos have closed...

Feb 6, 2024 ... Conduct testing with keyboard navigation and screen readers to check accessibility. For further guidance on creating accessible content, check out...

Jan 24, 2024 ... To improve accessibility, we've removed italicized formatting. Block design has been refreshed to take advantage of recent formatting updates. 


Jul 16, 2024 ... Accessibility Timeline blocks are accessible. If you use media, ensure images have alternative text (alt text) and videos have closed captions....

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