Articulate 360: Disabling Articulate AI Services

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Because some organizations must manage the use of AI functionality, we’ve made it easy for account owners to request that Articulate AI be disabled for their entire subscription, which allows users to continue to access and use Rise 360 and Storyline 360 without seeing any AI features or functionality.

For more information on Articulate AI security and privacy, check out this resource.

Did you know? Articulate 360 Team admins can disable AI functionality during the free trial without submitting a request. From your account's Teams dashboard, select Manage Subscription and, under AI Assistant, toggle the Free Trial setting to Disabled. In this state, Articulate AI features remain visible in Rise 360 and Storyline 360 but aren't functional.

Need to disable other cloud-based services? Visit the Articulate 360: Disabling Cloud-based Services article for details.

What to Expect

Here's what to expect from Articulate 360 apps when Articulate AI products are disabled:

AI Assistant

  • Articulate 360 Dashboard: The AI Assistant toggle is hidden from the Manage Subscription tab. You’ll also see a confirmation on the page that AI Assistant is disabled for your subscription with a link to contact support for details, as shown below.

AI Services Disabled State

  • Rise 360: AI Assistant is hidden so you can't access it.
  • Storyline 360: AI Assistant is hidden so you can't access it.

How to Request Disabling Articulate AI

The account owner can email at any time to request that Articulate AI be disabled for their subscription or free trial.


Find answers to common questions about disabling Articulate AI services below.

I already disabled cloud-based services for my subscription. Does that include Articulate AI?

No. Disabling cloud-based services won’t disable Articulate AI products. You must make a separate request to disable Articulate AI.

Is toggling AI Assistant off different from disabling Articulate AI services?

Yes. When AI Assistant is toggled off, AI Assistant tools still display in Rise 360 and Storyline 360 but aren’t functional. When Articulate AI services are disabled, Articulate AI features and functionality are removed from Rise 360 and Storyline 360.

What subscription plans can disable Articulate AI services?

The option to disable Articulate AI services is available for all Articulate 360 trials and subscriptions, both personal and Teams.

Can I disable Articulate AI just for individual users?

No. Articulate AI can only be disabled for the entire subscription.

I changed my mind. Can you reactivate Articulate AI for my subscription?

Absolutely! The account owner can email to request reactivation at any time.